Project Inception Workshop News

Project Inception Workshop News

Inception meetings of the project “Promoting Migratory Soaring Birds (MSBs) conservation considerations in energy infrastructure deployment in relation to waste disposal in urban centers in Ethiopia” project were held in towns of Ethiopia, identified for having dangerous powerlines by the team of experts of Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society (EWNHS), Ethiopian Electric Utility (EEU) and Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP) in February 2021. Logia and Gewane towns in Afar region, Eastern part of the Central Rift valley and Metehara, Koka and Batu/Ziway towns in Oromia Region, Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia were the major towns exhibited high electrocution of birds exuberated by poor waste disposal or handling usually done close to low (15KV) and medium 33 (KV) bird un-safe electric power lines.

The project is implemented in these towns based on recommendations of the rapid assessment, to secure greater safety of MSBs with participation of authorities managing waste in urban centers.

An inception workshop aims to build functional partnerships that enable to respond to the plight of MSBs with municipalities, district electricity utilities and Natural Resource Offices Logia, Gewane, Metehara, Koka and Ziway towns was conducted. The inception workshops have brought district administration representatives, municipalities heads, waste management experts, heads and engineers of Electricity Utilities Centers of the towns, Natural resource and environmental protection office exports, urban agriculture offices experts as well as culture and tourism representatives and private sectors.

The inception workshop has laid the ground to work hand in hand to better secure the conservation of MSBs and all birds. So far, waste management entities and electricity utilities at urban centers operate without any consultations and there are no existing mechanisms to bring the stakeholders into dialogue to resolve the serious problem caused killing of many MSBs/ birds and perennial disruption of energy supply in the towns and surrounding townships.

Logia/ Semera: Logia and Semera towns located at 10Km distance are currently administered by one Municipality based at Semera. Logia town is administered by a sub city Administrator. The inception workshop proposed for Logia was conducted in February 8, 2022 at Afra Region Culture and Tourism Hall landing at Semera town. The workshop was attended by Logia sub city administration, culture and tourism waste management experts, experts from electricity utilities centers and Natural resource office.

In discussion held during project launching workshop, participants apricated the environmental social as well as economic importance of birds. Bird workshop watching tourism has been remarked by the participant as one area which was not manipulated in supporting the economy of the country. They also commented on significant declining of populations of many birds’ species due to electrocution, collusion, poisoning as well as car hit. The elimination of indigenous trees which birds used to roost and nesting also raised as one critical challenge to disappearing of many bird species in their locality and admired implementation of the project. Besides, they suggested the need for planting of tree species suitable to MSBs in river sides and proper disposal of solid waste in a manner that doesn’t cause injuries to birds. In addition, they also gave emphasis to considering bird protection during powerline installation by working in close collaboration of Electric Utility center and Logiya sub-city administration.

Gewane: The 15KV powerline crossing Gewane town is one of the powerlines identified as killer to many species of birds. To revert circumstances of bird electrocution of Migratory soaring Bird and other birds due to bird-unfriendly Energy infrastructures and poor urban waste disposal MSB-Energy-Waste project inception workshop was launched on 9 February 2022 at Gewane town. In discussion undertaken in the workshop, the participants witnessed occurrence of raptors and non-raptors species like vultures, eagles and Storks in the area. However, birds were given no or very little attention in the area. In this regard, the project helps to enhance awareness and capacity of stakeholder assure to conservation considerations of MSBs other birds living and crossing their locality.

The participants represent district Electric Utility Center told that there is frequent power disruption due to electrocution of birds. The center managers and engineer cherished the implementation of the MSB-Energy-Waste project in their district from the knowledge they acquainted in the inception workshop Gewane district EEU center administrates showed interest to replace bare electric cables fitted on the transformers by Aluminum Bundled Cables (ABC) to perceive the difference in electrocution and power outrage and fatality of birds occurring due to electrocution happening on transformers.

Metehara: During the joint mission conducted to assess dangerous power line by EWNHS, Ethiopian Electric Power and Ethiopian Electric Utility as well as by team of international experts in Eastern and Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia in 2019 and 2021, the low voltage (15KV) power lines extending across the Beseka Lake and urban waste damping sites have been identified as the most dangerous bird killer. Inconsiderate damping of carcass close to bird feeding, roosting and breeding sites located at close proximity to bird unfriendly power lines have intensified the electrocution of birds in the area. In view of this, the low voltage power lines in Metehara taken as prior concern to that seek urgent conservation consideration of MSBs and other birds and by implementing MSBs -Energy- Waste project.

Experts from Metehara EEU Center, Municipality Waste Management, Natural resource, Agriculture, Health, ELFORA, Culture and Tourism and communication offices took part in the inception workshop conducted on 10 February 2022. Metehara EEU center head and engineer told to the participant that there is high rate of electrocution and which is resulting frequent power outrage in some part of the town which is seeking urgent solution.

The participants of the meeting informed existence of four private export cattle stay and feed yards in Metehara close to the dangerous power lines that are aggravation the electrocution. by carelessly disposing dead bodies of cattle close to powerlines. Further the participants pointed out the community in general is not aware of management of dangerous wastes. Realizing the pollution Lake Beseka the municipality has a long-term plan of translocating the dumping site which will be implemented up on securing the necessary budget. In conclusion the participant underlined the need for collaboration of stakeholders to protect MSBs and other birds’ electrocution that can be reduced by harmonizing wastes management and Energy sectors. The participant agreed to work with the as the project is believed to create good ground for collaboration of the sector organizations.

Koka: Koka Lake is located in administrative bounder pf Koka-Ejersa town in Oromia Region. Koka Lake is an artificial Lake created by a reservoir of the Koka dam in the central rift valley of Ethiopia. The Lake is a feeding, roosting and breeding site for many raptor and non-raptor species. Meanwhile according to the rapid assessment on dangerous power lines report produced by collaborative monitoring EWNHS, EEU and EEP, the low voltage (15KV) power line at Koka Lake area is identified as one of the areas with high electrocution problem. With this notion in mind, the MSB-Energy-Waste project was implemented and inception workshop was conducted on 17 February 2022 in the presence the Mayer of the town, Koka EEU center representative, Health and Municipality waste management office experts.

The participants of the inception workshop emphasized on the need for awareness creation on waste management especially slaughtering of fish and damping of the waste near the dangerous power lines existing around Koka Lake. EEU center representative also confirmed frequent power interruption in Koka town mostly because of electrocution of birds. Furthermore, the EEU station representative informed power interruption in areas close to the Mojo organic export butchery, Gelan tannery, Sun industrial group and Goje tannery because of bird electrocution. In conclusion participants of the inception workshop remarked the need for stakeholders to join hands to protect electrocution of MSBs and other birds

The participants of the inception workshop emphasized on the need for awareness creation on waste management especially slaughtering of fish and damping of the waste near the dangerous power lines existing around Koka Lake. EEU center representative also confirmed frequent power interruption in Koka town mostly because of electrocution of birds. Furthermore, the EEU station representative informed power interruption in areas close to the Mojo organic export butchery, Gelan tannery, Sun industrial group and Goje tannery because of bird electrocution. In conclusion participants of the inception workshop remarked the need for stakeholders to join hands to protect electrocution of MSBs and other birds

Batu/ Ziway: Like the towns mentioned above, in Batu/ Ziway electrocution of birds has been reported by team of experts engaged in assessment of dangerous powerlines in Eastern and Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia in February 2021. In the inception workshop conducted on 15 February 2022, expert from EEU Center, Municipality Waste Management, Natural resource, Agriculture, Health, ELFORA, Culture and Tourism and communication offices and town administration were participated.

The participants have shown their concern on bird conservation as Lake Ziway is an important bird area with more than 120 species of birds in one of the islands of the Lake (named bird island). Furthermore, the participant informed that in Batu/Ziway town, powerlines passing close to Haile Resort, Batu primary school and Fishery research centers are electrocuting different species of birds. Due to removal of the acacia and other trees which were suitable for bird from the lake area they are obliged to nest on acacia trees in the towns found close to the dangerous power lines. Hence they appreciated introduction of MSBs-Energy- Waste project in the town and shown interest to work with the project for protection of MSBs/ birds in their area.

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