The interaction of birds and energy infrastructure and the role of dump-sites in bird ecology

The interaction of birds and energy infrastructure and the role of dump-sites in bird ecology

On a series of events @Batu @koka @metehara and @Awash, the MSB Waste project once again ventured out to meet partners, stakeholders and local officials. Salient topic; “The interaction of birds and energy infrastructure and the role of dump-sites in bird ecology” took the central stage of the discussion and training.

W/O Ejigayehu Gizaw, coordinator for the MSB Waste project, opened the session with great appreciation and gratitude for all participants who managed to attend the training by taking time from their busy schedule. Ato Yilma delelegn, leading expert in conservation and ornithology led the training along Ato Solomon, senior project officer at #EWNHS.

In depth training about birds, bird diversity, migration and conservation hurdles were covered in the theoretical session.

# If it has feather, then it is a bird

# more than 10,000 species of birds are identified all over the world

# Birds store energy as fat before they start migration

# Birds use flyways during migration

# Electrocution/collusion with energy infrastructure and poisoning are the two major cause of death for raptors and vultures in Ethiopia

# Diclofenac and strychnine and two very potent chemicals which can have unanticipated negative consequences bird’s diversity and population

# engineers should look in to Bird-safe energy infrastructure in future design while providing ways to retrofit the once along the flyway

# solid waste management sites should be located away from the power lines or any energy infrastructure

The training was culminated with two field outings @ koka and @ lake Beseqa where the ill effects of poor design in energy infrastructure and dry waste management facility was seen firsthand.

Participants were from the following offices

#EEP #OBN # City Administration # Environment protection # Agriculture office

Regional media and communication office took the training to a higher level of visibility by participating in the training and broadcasting a program about the training to regional and national audience

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